
Beck Law P.C.

Santa Rosa, CA1 employee

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Founded 1975

Serving clients from San Francisco to San Diego, our firm advocates for survivors of childhood sexual abuse by pursuing civil lawsuits across California. Our mission is to ensure that offenders are held responsible for their actions, as well as those individuals and organizations that neglected their duty to protect vulnerable children. We recognize the societal trust placed in authority figures—be it religious leaders, educators, coaches, daycare staff or law enforcement—and it's essential we demand accountability from them. For instance, you might be familiar with the landmark $6.8 million settlement we secured on behalf of two brothers who suffered abuse at the hands of a counselor at Hanna Boys Center in Sonoma County. While no financial remedy can truly rectify past injustices and each case brings its own unique circumstances without guaranteed outcomes; securing compensation serves as a crucial message against institutions failing to safeguard against such abuses—that they must take steps towards preventing future harm waves within our communities. California Child Sexual Abuse Attorney Daniel B. Beck stands ready to support victims seeking justice through civil litigation throughout our state—reach out today for assistance and advocacy tailored specifically for your needs!

Practice Areas

  • civil litigation
  • personal injury
  • child sexual abuse

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