
Beggs & Lane

Pensacola, Florida51-200 employees

Based on 0 Reviews


Founded 1883

With a legacy spanning over 130 years, Beggs & Lane proudly serves a wide array of clients that includes prominent corporations, various businesses, professionals, non-profit entities, and individual clients. Our team of attorneys is skilled across numerous sectors such as energy and public utilities, healthcare, financial services, manufacturing industries, real estate and construction fields, insurance markets as well as transportation. This diverse range allows us to tackle virtually any legal challenge our clients might encounter. We emphasize the importance of cultivating enduring relationships with our clients by employing a practical and outcome-focused strategy for effective problem resolution. Recognizing that every client has unique needs is essential to us; thus we dedicate ourselves to understanding each client's individual goals thoroughly. Our commitment lies in being approachable and responsible at all times while delivering top-notch legal solutions efficiently and effectively. We believe that consistent value delivery not only addresses immediate cost concerns for our clients but also fosters their ongoing satisfaction—critical for retaining long-term partnerships with them. To accommodate varying preferences from our clientele regarding payments—we offer multiple fee arrangements tailored specifically to fit their requirements—from our Pensacola office we proudly extend services throughout Northwest Florida and South Alabama.

Practice Areas

  • appellate
  • bankruptcy
  • workouts & creditors'‚äã rights
  • energy and public utilities
  • general corporate
  • government contracts
  • health care
  • labor and employment
  • litigation
  • real estate
  • lending & commercial
  • tax
  • white collar criminal defense
  • and wills
  • trusts & estates

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