Founded 2017
Bill Buchanan, LLC is a dedicated personal injury law firm serving individuals affected by car accidents, slip and fall incidents, and various other personal injury claims in Columbus, Georgia and its neighboring regions as well as throughout the entire state. The firm's primary focus is on litigation involving personal injuries. Prior to establishing Bill Buchanan, LLC, Bill honed his skills at the civil litigation firm of Buchanan & Land LLP in Columbus for almost a decade. During his tenure there, he represented both insurance companies' clients and injured plaintiffs in numerous cases. This dual experience has afforded him invaluable insights into handling personal injury matters from multiple angles. His legal background spans an array of fields such as construction law; OSHA regulations; medical malpractice; wrongful death; nursing home disputes; various forms of litigated injuries like motor vehicle accidents and slips/falls; appeals related to tax authority assessments or valuations ; landlord-tenant issues ; class action lawsuits ; plus appellate practices . Additionally , he possesses expertise in alternative dispute resolution methods including mediationand arbitration . To schedule your complimentary consultation , reach out today at 706-641-BILL!