
Law Office of the Ozarks

Springfield, Missouri2-10 employees

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Founded 2016

Andrea Pate is a passionate attorney specializing in Family Law and Child Welfare, who founded the Law Office of the Ozarks to champion the needs of local families. Committed to making a meaningful impact, Andrea assists clients through complex matters such as divorce and child custody arrangements, always prioritizing their future wellbeing. In addition to these services, her firm offers Civil Mediation and Parenting Coordination at varying rates based on individual circumstances. The Law Office of the Ozarks proudly serves residents across several Missouri counties: Christian County, Stone County, Taney County, Greene County, Lawrence County, and Barry County.

Practice Areas

  • family law
  • mediation
  • parenting coordination
  • litigation
  • collaborative law
  • pre-suit negotiation
  • high conflict divorce
  • grandparent rights

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