
Law Offices of Jordan Dyke, LLC

Savannah, Georgia2-10 employees

Based on 0 Reviews


Founded 2023

At Jordan Dyke Law, LLC, we are a specialized law firm based in Savannah that concentrates on Real Estate and Business Law across Georgia and South Carolina. Our approach blends meticulous legal expertise with the warmth of Southern hospitality to deliver exceptional service. We prioritize establishing enduring connections with our clients, ensuring that we truly understand their needs. Our dedication is to offer top-notch legal solutions that not only satisfy but surpass our clients' expectations. With a strong commitment to excellence, we take pride in our efforts and continuously aim for optimal results on behalf of those we serve.

Practice Areas

  • real estate law
  • real estate closing
  • business law
  • company formation
  • business formation
  • registered agent services
  • law
  • contract drafting
  • contract review
  • lease review
  • lease drafting

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