
Lowe Scott Fisher Co., LPA

Cleveland, Ohio11-50 employees

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Founded 1976

Clients across the U.S., from Ohio to California and New York, can trust that their personal injury claims are expertly managed by the accomplished attorneys at Lowe Scott Fisher Co., LPA, previously known as Lowe Eklund Wakefield Co., LPA. Renowned on a national level for our expertise in product liability, personal injury, and medical malpractice cases, our legal team has successfully secured tens of millions in settlements and verdicts nationwide. We are often called upon as dedicated advocates for individuals facing complex high-stakes situations involving personal injuries or wrongful death. Our firm specializes in representing victims of car and truck accidents who have suffered due to design flaws or defective products. At Lowe Scott Fisher Co., LPA, we look forward to discussing how we can support you and your loved ones following a serious incident.

Practice Areas

  • personal injury
  • auto
  • truck and vehicle injuries
  • product liability
  • medical malpractice
  • legal malpractice
  • workers compesnation
  • social security disability
  • nursing home neglect

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