
Lubin & Meyer PC

Boston, Massachusetts11-50 employees

Based on 0 Reviews


Founded 1974

# Rewritten Bio Copy AN EXPERT IN MEDICAL MALPRACTICE LAW Lubin & Meyer PC has earned national acclaim as one of the foremost law firms specializing in medical malpractice and severe personal injury cases. Based in Boston, our team represents clients across Massachusetts, New Hampshire, and Rhode Island. Our attorneys have secured some of the highest personal injury verdicts throughout the region. Each year, we lead all competitors on Massachusetts Lawyers Weekly's annual list of Largest Verdicts and Settlements published every January. Notably, in 2019 alone, Lubin & Meyer achieved more "million-plus" settlements for medical malpractice than any firm within Massachusetts—totaling over $160 million for injured individuals that same year. Additionally that year saw us winning four significant verdicts exceeding $24 million for our clients—remarkable outcomes given that roughly 90% of jury trials nationally favor defendants in this practice area. PROVIDING SERVICES IN MAINE AND RHODE ISLAND Our skilled trial lawyers handle an array of catastrophic personal injury matters including defective products claims, injuries from flammable materials, birth-related instancestions ,medical negligence cases ,and general liability issues . Amidst an evolving landscape focused on legal specialization,Lubin&Meyer has consistently been a trailblazer within the realmof bereavement laws earning admiration both from peersamong lawyersas well asthe communities we serve . REQUEST A FREE CASE REVIEW If you're seeking assistance with your case without any cost or obligation,we encourage you to reach outr to speak with our experienced trial attorneysand nurses today at617-720-4447.Promising confidentiality isalways upheld during consultations .

Practice Areas

  • medical malpractice law - plaintiffs and personal injury litigation - plaintiffs

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