
42' 83' Legal Advisors, PLLC

Rochester, Michigan2-10 employees

Based on 0 Reviews


Founded 2016

**Our Vision:** Nestled at the coordinates 42'N/83'W, our practice is deeply rooted in the industrious spirit of Detroit, Michigan. At 42’83’ Legal Advisors, we stand committed to advocating fiercely for our clients. Although based in Metro Detroit, our tax law firm proudly serves individuals and businesses nationwide with federal taxation issues. Our primary goal is to address your tax challenges while also providing innovative solutions that can assist with your current obligations—whether you’re located within the United States or overseas. **Rely on Tax Professionals:** The intricacies of the Internal Revenue Code are daunting; spanning over 74,000 pages makes it generally inaccessible without expert guidance. Engaging a legal team that specializes solely in taxation is essential for skillfully maneuvering through IRS complexities. You deserve an attorney equipped with comprehensive knowledge who can devise effective strategies tailored to safeguard your interests. **Clients Come First:** At 42'83’ Legal Advisors, we prioritize your needs and appreciate the trust you place in us regarding your tax concerns. We emphasize listening attentively and keeping you updated throughout every step of this journey. Reach out today to schedule a FREE CONSULTATION!

Practice Areas

  • tax planning
  • foreign financial assets
  • tax resolution
  • tax wealth management

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