
Ansell.Law | Ansell Grimm & Aaron, P.C.

Ocean, NJ51-200 employees

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Founded 1929

With a legacy spanning over nine decades, ANSELL GRIMM & AARON, PC is committed to delivering exceptional legal services. Our attorneys exemplify a unified dedication to excellence in advocacy and client care, ensuring that our diverse clientele receives both passionate support and expert guidance. What sets ANSELL GRIMM & AARON apart is the wealth of experience held by our team members; many have distinguished themselves through public service roles including Yale Law adjunct professors, leaders within the New Jersey State Senate, justices on the New Jersey Supreme Court, as well as influential positions within various corporate and non-profit boards at both national and local levels. Furthermore, since 2005 we are proud to announce that our attorneys have been recognized with inclusion in the prestigious list of New Jersey Super Lawyers® on 50 occasions—an accolade granted annually to less than five percent of lawyers statewide. We take pride in offering highly regarded legal professionals who provide assertive yet efficient representation for all clients.* Please note: No part of this advertisement has received approval from either the Supreme Court of New Jersey or the American Bar Association.

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