
Law Offices of Benvenuto & Gaujean

Roslyn, New York11-50 employees

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At the core of our achievements lies a united approach involving our skilled trial attorneys, dedicated associates, litigation support teams, and you—our clients. At Benvenuto & Gaujean, we bring decades of expertise in navigating the intricate medico-legal landscape of New York to ensure your case is meticulously managed from inception to resolution. Our proactive strategy includes evaluating claims early on—often well before they escalate into formal lawsuits—and consulting leading medical experts across various specialties as part of our defense preparations. This thorough groundwork ensures that by the time we enter the courtroom phase, both our legal team and clients are thoroughly prepared with an in-depth understanding of applicable laws and medical intricacies as well as insights into our opponents' strategies. Ultimately, it's this rigorous preparation that drives our success.

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