
Benzo Law, LLC

Atlanta, Georgia11-50 employees

Based on 0 Reviews


Founded 2015

Based in Georgia, Benzo Law specializes in workers' compensation cases with a commitment to ensuring you receive the utmost recovery possible while seeking justice against those at fault. Our dedication extends beyond just helping the injured; we strive to safeguard your family's future. We are driven by our mission to tirelessly stand up for individuals who cannot advocate for themselves. As a result, Benzo Law has effectively handled various legal matters, including wrongful death suits, medical malpractice claims, and personal injury cases alongside our focus on workers' compensation.

Practice Areas

  • workers compensation
  • wrongful death
  • medical malpractice
  • spanish speakers
  • english speakers
  • client education
  • client advocates
  • injured workers
  • personal injury
  • civil litigation

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