
Bergquist Law Firm

Houston, Texas51-200 employees

Based on 0 Reviews


The Bergquist Law Firm is a prominent firm operating statewide, specializing in the realm of litigation. Our dedicated attorneys engage daily in navigating disputes within an adversarial system. Whether it’s negotiating settlements, advocating in court, or managing trials, our firm takes pride in a bold strategy that combines meticulous attention to detail with innovative thinking and unwavering confidence—ensuring optimal results for our clients. We serve a diverse clientele that includes both large corporations worth millions and individual claimants alike. Furthermore, the Bergquist Law Firm adeptly addresses an array of legal matters such as personal injury cases stemming from accidents, various civil and business litigation issues, as well as specialized healthcare-related disputes.

Practice Areas

  • on the job accidents
  • refinery/oilfield accidents
  • medical field and healthcare litigation

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