
Law Offices of Richard B. Macgurn

Carlsbad, California2-10 employees

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Founded 1983

Established in 1983, the Law Offices of Richard B. Macgurn offer high-quality legal services at competitive rates within Estate Planning, Probate and Trust Law, as well as Guardianships and Conservatorships. By concentrating his practice on these interconnected legal fields, Mr. Macgurn is uniquely positioned to guide clients through the complexities of wealth management and transfer processes. He focuses on helping individuals develop effective estate plans tailored to their needs. Additionally, during times of incapacity or loss, Mr. Macgurn provides crucial support in navigating trust or estate administration matters efficiently. In cases where conflicts emerge, he brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to achieve resolutions swiftly.

Practice Areas

  • estate planning
  • probate and trust law
  • guardianships
  • conservatorships

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