
Levene Gouldin & Thompson, LLP

Vestal, New York51-200 employees

Based on 0 Reviews


Founded 1927

With a legacy spanning over 90 years, Levene Gouldin & Thompson, LLP is dedicated to delivering efficient and effective legal solutions while remaining deeply committed to community involvement. Our attorneys prioritize a personalized approach in all client interactions, recognizing that each case presents unique challenges that demand prompt attention and acute sensitivity from our entire legal team. The invaluable experience of our lawyers ensures they navigate high-pressure situations with exceptional judgment and composure. A record of successful outcomes instills confidence in our clients regarding their representation. Beyond mere advocates, we also act as trusted counselors and companions for those we serve—from providing insightful advice to robust advocacy tailored to their needs. Our areas of expertise encompass: Appellate Practice; Business Law; Criminal Defense; Elder Law & Special Needs; Family Law; Guardianship Services; Health Care Law; Insurance Defense & Medical Malpractice Claims; Labor Relations & Employment Disputes ; Litigation Strategies ; Oil an Gas Matters ; Personal Injury Representation ; Real Estate Transactions ; Taxation Advice ,and Trusts & Estates Planning . We proudly maintain offices located in Vestal, Ithaca , Whitney Point NY as well Montrose PA .

Practice Areas

  • personal injury
  • elder law
  • oil & gas law
  • wind law
  • solar law
  • labor law
  • employment law
  • medical malpractice
  • trusts & estates
  • family law
  • business law
  • criminal law

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