
Litvin Law Firm, P.C.

Brooklyn, NY2-10 employees

Based on 0 Reviews


At Litvin Law Firm PC, we redefine the typical law practice. Proudly serving clients facing foreclosure in 31 states nationwide, we do so without charging any upfront retainer fees. Our holistic approach ensures that your legal requirements are met with careful consideration of how they may affect both your personal and professional life. When dealing with a bank foreclosure, it’s crucial to be aware of the alternatives at your disposal; astonishingly, 95% of foreclosures occur without contestation. Engaging a knowledgeable foreclosure attorney promptly after receiving paperwork is essential; timely filing can open doors for negotiation with lenders and possible loan modifications that could help you retain ownership of your home.

Practice Areas

  • debt arbitration
  • debt mitigation
  • personal bankruptcy
  • personal injury
  • corporate matters

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