

Minneapolis, MN2-10 employees

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Founded 2017

What sets our legal team apart from many others is our genuine passion for the work we undertake. Our clients often express their appreciation for the high energy and steadfast dedication we bring to each case. They can trust that we are invested in their issues as much—if not more—than they are themselves. Unlike conventional corporate law firms that may over-promise, under-deliver, or engage in time-wasting practices like excessive meetings, we pride ourselves on being true advocates for our clients' interests. This commitment reflects in tangible outcomes; indeed, a respected Minnesota state-court judge acknowledged our "stellar reputation within both commercial litigation and white-collar defense" as recorded in a Court Order from August 2015. Similarly, another eminent federal judge commended us for "exemplary legal representation" through a Court Order issued February 2017. Many claim to be “trial lawyers," but such terminology has become inadequate without demonstrable expertise and results to support it. Thanks to our formidable standing in the legal community, clients recognize that they present a credible threat of going to trial rather than accepting subpar resolutions when represented by us. Our effectiveness stems not only from courtroom skills but also innovative solutions tailored to client needs both inside and outside of judicial settings. We have consistently put reputations on the line whenever it's served justice best because we've embraced an ethos centered entirely around advocating fiercely for those who entrust us with their cases—not simply seeking gains for ourselves or expanding firm prestige within society. Beyond litigation prowess,some of our greatest successes—including multi-million-dollar settlements reached quietly behind closed doors or averting criminal charges altogether—have been accomplished discreetly without any media spotlight shining on them.

Practice Areas

  • business litigation
  • government investigations & criminal defense
  • internal investigations

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