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Austin Nguyen

Gowling WLG | Calgary, Alberta, Canada

A lawyer since 2023


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Firm Name:
Gowling WLG
920 36 Street Northeast, Calgary, Alberta, Canada T2A 6L8
More Information:

Austin D. Nguyen has made a significant mark at Gowling WLG's Calgary office, showcasing a dynamic blend of expertise in both the legal and scientific fields. With a Master of Science in Microbiology & Biochemistry and a Juris Doctor, both from the University of Calgary, Austin brings a unique perspective to his role.

His tenure at law school was marked by a diverse array of experiences, from conducting research on cutting-edge topics like patent law and AI under Dr. Gregory Hagen, to engaging in hands-on legal practice with the Student Legal Assistance. Austin's commitment to legal excellence and community service was evident through his active involvement in Pro Bono Students Canada and his leadership roles within the Diversity & Law Society.

Austin's advocacy skills were honed through participation in prestigious moot competitions, where he distinguished himself as a formidable orator, notably earning the Top Oralist title at the Bennett Jones Health Law Moot. His educational journey also included specialized training in IP law through the University of Windsor, further broadening his legal capabilities.

Before embarking on his legal career, Austin dedicated years to scientific research, delving into clinical microbiology and microbial metabolism, and mastering complex analytical tools such as HPLC-MS and NMR spectroscopy. His passion for education extended beyond the lab, as he also taught piano and music theory for over a decade, demonstrating a remarkable balance between his scientific pursuits and artistic talents.


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