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Stephen Whitehead

McLeod Law LLP | Calgary, Alberta, Canada

A lawyer since 2017


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Firm Name:
McLeod Law LLP
4702 1 Street Southwest, Calgary, Alberta, Canada T2G 0A2
More Information:

In a world teeming with diverse opinions, J.S. Mill's words resonate with profound truth, highlighting the sanctity of individual expression amidst a majority's consensus. This principle of unwavering respect for differing viewpoints threads through the career of Stephen, who embarked on his legal journey in 2016 after articulating with a renowned Family Firm in Calgary. His path has since flourished, marked by an ever-evolving practice under the auspices of McLeod Law LLP.

Stephen's approach is meticulously sculpted around efficiency and foresight, always with the endgame in sight. He adeptly navigates the tumultuous waters of high-stakes parenting disputes and the labyrinth of intricate financial dilemmas. His arsenal of experience is his guide in carving out resolutions that not only untangle the complexities at hand but also anchor his clients to a foundation of future certainty.

Beyond the confines of his profession, Stephen finds solace and joy in the simple pleasures of life. Whether it's the culinary arts, the tranquility of fishing, or the melodious escape of music, he embraces these hobbies with the same passion he applies to his work. Moreover, his commitment to nurturing the next generation of legal minds sees him volunteering at the University of Calgary's Family Law clinic, where he dons the hat of a judge, imparting wisdom and insights gleaned from his rich professional tapestry.

Stephen's academic roots trace back to Thompson Rivers University, where he secured his J.D. in 2016, preceded by a BA in French Literature from the University of Calgary in 2012. This blend of humanities and law crafts a unique perspective, enriching his approach to the multifaceted challenges that cross his desk.

In essence, Stephen's career is a testament to the belief in the power of individual perspective, underscored by his dedication to resolving conflicts and fostering future certainties for his clients. His journey is a beacon for those navigating the complexities of family law, illuminated by a commitment to justice, empathy, and personal growth.


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