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Thomas McNerney

CNOOC Petroleum North America ULC | Calgary, Alberta, Canada

A lawyer since 1999


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Firm Name:
CNOOC Petroleum North America ULC
500 Centre Street South, Calgary, Alberta, Canada T2G 1A6
More Information:

In the dynamic world of energy and power, Thomas McInerney stands out as a key player, guiding clients through complex commercial transactions with a sharp eye for untapped opportunities. Stationed in Calgary, he operates within McCarthy Tétrault's Business Law and Energy & Resources Groups, where his acumen in the energy sector shines. Thomas's work spans advising clients on strategic growth across Canada and internationally, making him a pivotal figure in the energy industry's evolution.

His domain is vast, covering the upstream, midstream, and services sectors, where he adeptly navigates the oil & gas market's shifting sands. Thomas is especially proficient in renewable energy projects and climate change-related strategies, advocating for developers and owners of ventures in solar, wind, biomass, biomethane, and hydrogen.

Thomas's approach to climate change and emissions is proactive, offering clients strategies to stay competitive and in line with legislation. His expertise extends to emissions trading, where he assists in the marketing and sale of various emissions-related credits, benefiting project proponents, aggregators, and large emitters alike.

Clients seek Thomas for his deep knowledge in transactions involving asset and share purchases, reorganizations, new project development, and large-scale engineering projects. His involvement in significant transactions and projects underscores his role as a trusted advisor in the energy sector.

Among his notable work, Thomas played a key role in major transactions like Cenovus Energy Inc.'s acquisition of Husky Energy Inc. and ATCO Ltd.'s purchase of Western Australia Gas Networks. His expertise also facilitated the sale of significant assets and the development and financing of renewable energy projects, showcasing his versatility and depth of knowledge in the field.

On the infrastructure front, Thomas has been instrumental in major projects, including the Trans Mountain Expansion Project and the Urban Pipeline Replacement Project. His guidance on climate change and emissions trading has supported clients in acquiring and selling emission offsets, further highlighting his comprehensive understanding of the energy landscape.

Since joining the Alberta Bar in 1999, Thomas's contributions have earned him recognition as a leading lawyer in energy and infrastructure law, reflecting his impact on the legal and energy sectors.

In sum, Thomas McInerney's work transcends typical legal advisement, embedding him deeply in the fabric of the energy industry's growth and adaptation to modern challenges. His strategic vision and legal prowess make him an invaluable asset to his clients and the broader energy community.


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