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Anton Suberlak

Masuch Law LLP | Calgary, Alberta, Canada

A lawyer since 2001


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Firm Name:
Masuch Law LLP
8838 Blackfoot Trail Southeast, Calgary, Alberta, Canada T2J 0T2
More Information:

A seasoned legal practitioner with over two decades of experience under his belt, Tony Suberlak brings a wealth of expertise to the table. Hailing from Saskatchewan, Tony's journey in the legal realm began in 2000, and since then, he has traversed through various law firms and clientele in Calgary, Edmonton, and Regina, finally settling at MasuchLaw LLP in 2008.

Tony boasts a diverse clientele comprising individuals and owner-operated businesses spanning different sectors such as construction, oilfield services, hospitality, and healthcare. This eclectic mix not only adds vibrancy to his practice but also equips him with a multifaceted understanding of legal intricacies across industries.

His scope of work encompasses a wide spectrum, ranging from facilitating real estate transactions and handling employment matters to steering major corporate restructurings, financing ventures, and orchestrating business mergers and acquisitions. Tony's commitment to understanding his clients' needs and their businesses is unwavering. He takes pride in being their go-to legal advisor, assisting them with day-to-day legal challenges, and playing a pivotal role in realizing their personal and business aspirations.


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