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Tanvir Gill

Strategic Criminal Defence Lawyers | Kelowna, British Columbia, Canada

A lawyer since 2015


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Firm Name:
Strategic Criminal Defence Lawyers
400-275 Lawrence Avenue, Kelowna, British Columbia, Canada V1Y 6L2
More Information:

Manvir Gill, part of the dedicated team at Strategic Criminal Defence's Calgary Branch, embraces the role of defending individuals against a spectrum of legal challenges, from criminal charges to traffic violations and beyond. His commitment is rooted in criminal defence law, a field where he has both grown and contributed significantly through hands-on case work.

Gill embarked on his legal career with a Juris Doctor degree from Bond University in Australia, laying a solid educational foundation that spans continents. His pursuit of excellence didn't stop there; he further enhanced his credentials with a Graduate Legal Diploma, meeting the stringent criteria to practice law in Australia.

His journey into the realm of criminal law began as a criminal legal assistant, a role that offered him a unique vantage point into the intricate workings of legal advocacy and its profound impact on individuals' lives. This experience was pivotal, deepening his commitment to justice and sharpening his skills in crucial areas such as legal research, case analysis, and effective communication with clients.

Gill's approach to legal defence is characterized by meticulous preparation, keen attention to detail, and a commitment to staying abreast of the latest legal precedents and developments. He places a high premium on clear, open communication, ensuring that clients are both heard and thoroughly informed throughout their legal journey.

As he progresses in his career, Gill's primary aim is to leave a lasting, positive impact on the lives of those he represents. Marrying his advocacy zeal with a profound understanding of criminal defence, he is steadfast in his mission to deliver exemplary legal representation.


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