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Christopher Colonval

Gowling WLG (Canada) LLP | Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

A lawyer since 2010


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Firm Name:
Gowling WLG (Canada) LLP
550 Burrard Street, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada V6C 3A8
More Information:

In the bustling heart of Gowling WLG's Vancouver office, Chris emerges as a dynamic force within the Financial Institutions & Services Group, bringing his expertise to the forefront of debt financing and lending practices. His work spans across diverse sectors, showcasing his ability to navigate complex financial landscapes with ease.

Before joining Gowling WLG, Chris's career had a significant chapter in the film and entertainment industry. As the chief legal and business strategist for a notable company in this sector, he steered the helm of legal and business affairs. His role encompassed a broad spectrum of responsibilities, from corporate and commercial strategies to the intricacies of debt and equity financing, not to mention the delicate art of managing and leveraging intellectual property.

Chris's legal acumen is underpinned by a solid educational foundation from the University of Saskatchewan, where he first earned a Bachelor of Arts in 2006 before advancing to obtain his LLB in 2009. His academic journey laid the groundwork for his professional ventures, equipping him with the knowledge and skills necessary for the challenges ahead.

In 2010, Chris reached another milestone by being called to the bar in British Columbia, marking the official commencement of his legal practice in the province. This qualification not only solidified his status as a legal professional but also opened doors to a wealth of opportunities in various fields of law.

His practice areas are a testament to his versatility and depth of knowledge, covering banking and finance, lending and borrowing, commercial and corporate law, entertainment and sports law, projects, and real estate. Each area reflects Chris's ability to adapt and thrive in different legal terrains, offering tailored advice that aligns with the unique needs of his clients.


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