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Samira Amato

Law Office of Samira Amato | San jose, California, United States

A lawyer since 2002


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Law Office of Samira Amato
2033 Gateway Pl., San jose, California, United States 95110
More Information:

Samira has woven a rich tapestry of legal expertise since diving into the law practice realm in 2003. Her path began with academic accolades from the University of California, Berkeley, and culminated in a Law Doctorate, focusing on intellectual property, from Santa Clara University. In the courtroom, her skills shine; she’s a force in trial advocacy. Samira’s legal journey spans from clerkships to principal attorney, showcasing her depth in both state and federal law.

Her practice doesn’t shy away from complexity. In family law, she tackles everything from adoption to same-sex family rights, ensuring every client feels represented. Business law sees her navigating the intricacies of mergers and shareholder disputes. She’s also a stalwart in employment law, addressing discrimination and wrongful termination with unwavering determination.

Video conferencing via Zoom allows her to extend her reach, making her services more accessible. Payment flexibility is evident, with credit card acceptance signaling client convenience. California acknowledges her legal prowess, with her admission to practice law in the state since 2003. Her linguistic capabilities in English and Farsi enable her to connect with a diverse clientele.

Beyond the courtroom, Samira contributes to legal scholarship through her writings and shares her knowledge at speaking engagements, demonstrating her commitment to legal education and community support.


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