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Lemon Law Experts, PC | San Jose, California, United States

A lawyer since 2016


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Lemon Law Experts, PC
99 N. 1st St., Suite 205, San Jose, California, United States 95113
More Information:

Bobby Walker, an Associate Attorney, passionately champions consumer rights through his practice. His journey in law began with a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration from San Diego State University in 2006, followed by a Juris Doctor from the University of the Pacific, McGeorge School of Law in 2015. Walker's unique perspective in the legal arena stems from his prior experience representing automobile manufacturers. This role provided him with invaluable insights into corporate operations, which he now leverages to zealously advocate for consumers, particularly in California.

His legal acumen spans multiple jurisdictions, holding admissions to the California State Bar and various U.S. District Courts across California. Walker's track record in consumer advocacy is impressive, with significant case results in 2019 and 2020, securing settlements ranging from $65,000 to $98,000 for clients with defective vehicles. His legal prowess is not just in consumer law; he is adept in navigating federal regulations like the FDCPA, TCPA, FCRA, and CROA, ensuring comprehensive protection for consumers.

Bobby's career trajectory shifted towards consumer advocacy serendipitously, as he transitioned from a potential job change to specializing in Lemon Law. This area resonated with him, allowing him to fulfill his aspiration of defending the underserved against larger corporate entities. His daily motivation in practicing law is the defense of individuals, ensuring their rights are protected and voices heard. Bobby Walker's dedication to consumer rights is not just his profession but his passion, driving him to persistent and effective advocacy for those plagued by defective products and corporate negligence.


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