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Alexandre Babineau

Alexandre Babineau C.P. Inc. | Dieppe, New Brunswick, Canada

A lawyer since 2017


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Alexandre Babineau C.P. Inc.
200 Champlain Street, Dieppe, New Brunswick, Canada E1A 1P1
More Information:

Alexandre Babineau, a distinguished lawyer, has woven a career marked by expertise and dedication in the realm of legal services. His academic journey began with a Bachelor of Business Administration awarded in 2013, further enriched by a Juris Doctor obtained in 2016, both from Université de Moncton. Earning his stripes, Babineau joined the prestigious Law Society of New Brunswick in 2017, a testament to his commitment and proficiency in his field.

Delving into his professional tapestry, Babineau shines in several domains, particularly real estate transactions, business law, and the intricacies of wills and powers of attorney. These areas stand as pillars of his practice, reflecting a versatile and deep-rooted understanding of the legal landscape. Each client engagement benefits from Babineau's nuanced approach, where he blends legal acumen with a keen sense of client needs, navigating the complexities of real estate deals, corporate maneuvers, and personal estate planning with equal dexterity.

His career, marked by growth and continuous learning, has been a journey through various legal terrains. Here's a glimpse into his professional experiences before embarking on his current path:

  • Delved into the nuances of real estate law, helping clients navigate the intricacies of buying, selling, and managing property.

  • Tackled the challenges of business law, from forming new companies to advising on corporate governance and commercial transactions.

  • Mastered the delicate art of estate planning, crafting wills, and setting up powers of attorney to secure his clients' future and legacies.

In the bustling heart of Dieppe, New Brunswick, Alexandre Babineau operates from his office on Champlain Street. It's here that he dedicates his weekdays, from the morning rush at 8:30 a.m. to the closing hours at 4:30 p.m., to serving his clients with unwavering dedication and legal expertise.

His practice, marked by a commitment to excellence and a client-focused approach, continues to thrive. Each case is a new chapter in a story of legal craftsmanship, where Alexandre Babineau stands as a trusted advisor and a formidable advocate for his clients' interests. As his career unfolds, his contributions to the fields of real estate, business law, and estate planning remain invaluable, cementing his reputation as a lawyer of distinction.


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