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Stephanie Furlan

Torkin Manes LLP | Toronto, Ontario, Canada

A lawyer since 2020


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Firm Name:
Torkin Manes LLP
151 Yonge Street, Toronto, Ontario, Canada M5C 2W7
More Information:

Stephanie brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to the Commercial Real Estate Group, where she plays a crucial role. She engages in a variety of activities including the acquisition, disposition, and financing of properties that have diverse uses: some are commercial, others mixed-use, and a few industrial. Her skill set is further enhanced by her adeptness at crafting and fine-tuning agreements with municipalities, as well as arranging for social housing and service-related contracts. This proficiency is underpinned by her solid grounding in commercial leasing, which serves as a cornerstone for her broader real estate endeavors.

Her expertise doesn’t just lie within the confines of real estate transactions. Stephanie's contributions are bolstered by her significant educational achievements and professional affiliations. She was admitted to the Ontario Bar in 2020, marking a significant milestone in her legal career. Prior to this, she completed a rigorous academic journey, earning Juris Doctor degrees from both the University of Windsor and the University of Detroit Mercy School of Law in 2019. This dual qualification not only underscores her dedication to her profession but also her willingness to go above and beyond in her pursuit of legal knowledge. Additionally, her academic foundation is solidified by a Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of Ottawa, obtained in 2014.

Stephanie’s role within the firm transcends mere transactional work; she embodies a comprehensive repository of knowledge in commercial real estate and leasing, making her a pivotal figure in her field. Her engagement in multifaceted legal tasks and her affiliation with esteemed legal bodies underscore her versatility and commitment to excellence in the legal realm.


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