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Ryan Hauk

Torkin Manes LLP | Toronto, Ontario, Canada

A lawyer since 2009


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Torkin Manes LLP
151 Yonge Street, Toronto, Ontario, Canada M5C 2W7
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Ryan, a key partner in both the Construction Law and Litigation & Dispute Resolution Groups, has developed a strong litigation practice that deals with a broad range of commercial disputes, prominently featuring construction law.

He is recognized for his exceptional advocacy skills, handling breach of contract lawsuits, arbitration proceedings, construction lien issues, as well as disputes involving shareholders and partnerships. Ryan is accustomed to representing clients in front of various judicial bodies, including courts at different levels, private arbitration panels, mediators, and administrative boards.

His practice primarily targets the greater Toronto area, where he has gained substantial experience with residential condominium developments, both mid-rise and high-rise, alongside projects related to infrastructure and municipal undertakings. Ryan offers comprehensive advice on project-related matters, spanning from the initial contract setup and risk assessment to the negotiation and resolution of disputes. His involvement in numerous disputes, both private and public, has seen him navigate issues related to payment controversies, scope definitions, unexpected ground conditions, cost increases, contract cessation, back charges, and the correction of deficiencies.

Ryan’s deep familiarity with the construction sector positions him as a valuable asset to a diverse clientele, including developers, contractors, and property owners. His strategic approach is bolstered by acute business insight and a thorough grasp of both legal and industry-specific considerations, enabling him to adeptly navigate clients through the construction lifecycle.

At the core of his practice is a commitment to understanding his clients’ business intricacies and the broader industry context, aiming to provide legal advice that is both relevant and custom-fitted to their particular situations. Ryan’s practicality, quick response times, and his knack for simplifying complex legal principles into understandable advice have earned him high praise from clients, cementing their trust and securing successful resolutions on their behalf.

Ryan’s professional journey is underscored by his admission to the Ontario Bar in 2009, following his LLB from the University of Manitoba in 2008, and a BSc from Okanagan University College in 2005. His breadth of expertise includes construction litigation, commercial litigation, and a deep-seated commitment to resolving disputes and advocating for clients across the construction industry.


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