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Sjawal Bhutta

Blaney McMurtry LLP | Toronto, Ontario, Canada

A lawyer since 2016


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Firm Name:
Blaney McMurtry LLP
2 Queen Street East, Toronto, Ontario, Canada M5C 3G7
More Information:

Sjawal (Saj) Bhutta's legal career is marked by his extensive involvement in insurance litigation, where he adeptly handles a spectrum of cases. His expertise covers personal injury claims, product and occupiers' liability, motor vehicle accidents, professional negligence, as well as errors and omissions. Additionally, Saj navigates the complexities of sports and recreational liability, defamation, insurance coverage defense, and property claims with skill and precision.

Often sought after for his knowledge in subrogation, Saj adeptly advances subrogated claims, providing a strategic advantage to his clients in recovering losses.

Saj's legal prowess extends to his appearances across various judicial levels within Ontario, including the respected Superior Court of Justice and the Licence Appeal Tribunal. His track record includes several victorious hearings at the Licence Appeal Tribunal, demonstrating his competency and determination. Furthermore, Saj has a notable history of successfully arguing motions in front of both Judges and Masters of the Ontario Superior Court, showcasing his persuasive argumentation skills and deep understanding of legal principles.


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