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Anna Casemore

Blaney McMurtry LLP | Toronto, Ontario, Canada

A lawyer since 1999


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Blaney McMurtry LLP
2 Queen Street East, Toronto, Ontario, Canada M5C 3G7
More Information:

Anna's proficiency in the insurance sector spans a considerable breadth, earning her accolades not only from British clients, including various Lloyd's syndicates, but also from American and local insurers. Her deep comprehension of the intricacies within the insurance realm sets her apart.

As a dedicated litigator, Anna specializes in navigating insurance and commercial conflicts. Her expertise is routinely called upon by insurance companies to represent insured individuals, offer counsel on coverage issues, or oversee claims monitoring. Her work often pertains to professional indemnity cases, especially those involving engineering or healthcare professionals, as well as matters related to directors' and officers' liability, environmental and political risks, film production, sports, product liability, and general commercial liability disputes. Anna is adept at handling complex class actions requiring nuanced understanding of layered insurance coverage, all while maintaining the confidentiality such cases demand.

Adopting a practical approach, Anna aims to identify the core of a dispute swiftly, crafting early and innovative resolution strategies. She understands that many disputes may be settled outside of court, having extensive experience in Alternative Dispute Resolution, and has adeptly settled challenging claims before they reach trial. However, when necessary, Anna stands ready to tenaciously defend her clients' interests in court.

Anna's courtroom experience covers all judicial levels in Ontario, including a significant victory in the Supreme Court of Canada regarding a cross-border coverage issue, illustrating her capability to handle high-stakes litigation.

Additionally, Anna represents the insurance interests within the Blaneys’ Cannabis Group, indicating her adaptability to evolving legal landscapes.

Beyond her litigation prowess, Anna is an active contributor to legal literature. She frequently pens articles and speaks at conferences, focusing on current legal issues relevant to the Lloyd’s insurance market and beyond. Anna also co-edits Blaneys’ Coffee House, a newsletter that enjoys a wide readership, particularly among the London insurance community, further testament to her influence and expertise in the field.


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