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Sarah Millar

Lenczner Slaght LLP | Toronto, Ontario, Canada

A lawyer since 2003


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Lenczner Slaght LLP
130 Adelaide Street West, Toronto, Ontario, Canada M5H 3P5
More Information:

Sarah Millar serves as a partner at Lenczner Slaght, where she specializes in the intricate phase of discovery in litigation and regulatory proceedings. Praised for her innovative approach at the confluence of law, technology, and project management, Sarah is recognized for her exceptional ability to nurture relationships both internally and with external service providers.

At the helm of the firm’s team of discovery specialists, Sarah's role is pivotal in advising on all aspects of the discovery process. This includes guidance on document preservation, pinpointing relevant data within a client's records, ensuring accurate data capture or collection, understanding a litigant’s discovery obligations, navigating the use of electronic evidence in legal proceedings, and mastering the complexities of privilege law. Her expertise shines in orchestrating large-scale discovery initiatives in high-stakes commercial litigation and across borders, leveraging cutting-edge technology to minimize discovery costs and challenges.

Moreover, Sarah consults on document management and data retention strategies, optimizing clients’ litigation readiness. Her strategic planning at the onset of cases is tailored to meet the specific needs of each matter, prioritizing legal soundness and financial prudence.

Before her tenure at Lenczner Slaght, Sarah brought her discovery acumen to a prominent national law firm as a partner and head of their discovery management group.

With her admission to the Ontario Bar in 2003, Sarah’s educational credentials include a JD from the University of Toronto and a BA in Political Studies with Honours from Queen’s University.


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