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Amy Goudge

Lenczner Slaght LLP | Toronto, Ontario, Canada

A lawyer since 2022


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Lenczner Slaght LLP
130 Adelaide Street West, Toronto, Ontario, Canada M5H 3P5
More Information:

Amy Goudge, an associate at Lenczner Slaght, is making her mark in the legal field with her practice that encompasses commercial litigation, professional liability, regulatory disputes, civil matters, and appeals.

Her journey with Lenczner Slaght began with summer and articling positions, after which she had the prestigious role of law clerk for Justice Andromache Karakatsanis at the Supreme Court of Canada.

Amy's academic credentials are impressive; she earned her law degree from the University of Ottawa, graduating magna cum laude. During her law studies, Amy delved into constitutional law research for Dean Adam Dodek and explored copyright policy under the guidance of Professor Michael Geist. She played an active role in law reform initiatives through her contributions to the Law Commission of Ontario and the Samuelson-Glushko Canadian Internet Policy and Public Interest Clinic (CIPPIC).

Amy's insightful writing on legal matters has been featured in esteemed publications such as the National Journal of Constitutional Law and the Windsor Review of Legal and Social Issues. Her career before entering law school included a position as a curatorial assistant in New York, building upon her MA in Visual Arts Administration from New York University and her BA Honours in English and Art History from Queen's University.

Amy was admitted to the Ontario Bar in 2022, bringing a rich blend of legal acumen, artistic sensibility, and scholarly achievements to her burgeoning legal career.


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