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Summer Frederick

Cooper & Scully, P.C. | Dallas, Texas, United States

A lawyer since 2009


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Cooper & Scully, P.C.
900 Jackson, Suite 100, Dallas, Texas, United States 75202
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Summer represents insurers and agents in disputes involving commercial general liability, first-party property, automobile, trucking, and professional liability insurance. She defends insurers against lawsuits alleging contractual and extra-contractual liability and bad faith, and regularly assists clients with matters related to policy interpretation and Stowers.

Summer has devoted nearly three decades to learning the ins and outs of the insurance industry. She obtained a property and casualty agent’s license in 1996, a life, accident, health and HMO license in 1999, and a Texas adjuster’s license in 2020. Prior to her career as an attorney, she spent more than a decade working with a major insurer. Summer has served as both an in-house coverage counsel and a claims counsel. Through these experiences, Summer has gained a rare understanding of the interwoven relationships among insureds, agents, underwriters, adjusters, and brokers. Summer’s diverse background and experience makes her an asset to her clients, and allows her a unique ability to provide invaluable insight from all sides of the table.

Summer received her B.S. in criminal justice from the University of North Texas in 2000. She received her J.D. from Southern Methodist University’s Dedman School of Law in 2008. Prior to graduation, she completed a clerkship with the Texas Department of Insurance.

Summer is Board Certified in Insurance Law with the Texas Board of Legal Specialization. In 2023, Summer was elected to serve on the council of the Insurance Law Section of the State Bar of Texas. She is a managing editor of the Journal of Texas Insurance Law, and a member of Right off the Press.

Summer is married with three children, three dogs, and two cats. In her spare time, you can find her volunteering for her children’s activities, attending musicals and concerts, and planning her next cruise.


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