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Asked in California, United States |

Apr 13, 2024
Jack London Square steal money
There’s this spot I sometimes hang at, called Jack London Square, pretty chill place with lots of shops and stuff. Last Friday, I was there at this new arcade they just opened, playing some pinball and just chilling. I meet this guy, seemed cool at first, we talked video games, music, the usual. He tells me he’s got this sweet deal on some gaming gear, and me being me, I totally jumped on it 'cause it sounded like a steal – not literally, haha. Fast forward to after I transfer him the cash via this app – and guess what? The dude ghosts me. Like total radio silence, poof, gone! And I’m here like, did that really just happen? My buds say I should’ve seen it coming, but whatever, that’s not the point. Now I'm out a couple hundred bucks and feeling kinda stupid, but mostly just mad. So, what I wanna know is, can I do something about it legally? Like, can I sue him for stealing my money? What’s the deal with that kinda situation – is there a specific tort for this kind of scam or what? And if I can take this to court, how would I even start that whole process? I mean, it’s not just about the money anymore, it’s about not letting this guy just scam other people too. And another thing, if suing him is an option, what kind of stuff do I need to gather up to make a case? I've got the chat logs where he promised me the gear and all the payment details. Is that enough? Thanks a ton for helping me out, really looking to get some advice on how to handle this without just letting it slide.

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