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Asked in Texas, United States |

Apr 8, 2024
Klyde Warren Park area Dallas TX employment
My boss, who's usually camped out in our office near Klyde Warren Park, has cranked up the demands to 11. It's like every task is urgent, every deadline is yesterday, and the concept of a lunch break has become a myth. I'm all for proving my worth and climbing that corporate ladder, but at this pace, I'm concerned I'll hit burnout before I even glimpse the next rung. Now, don't get me wrong. I love what I do, and I'm keen on making my mark. I've heard tales of folks who've navigated these waters, found a way to shine, and snagged that promotion without sacrificing their sanity at the altar of overtime. That's the dream, right? But as I'm trying to find that balance, it's like dodging potholes on I-35E—doable but darn tricky. So, I guess what I'm asking is, from a legal standpoint, is there a playbook for dealing with a situation like this in Texas? Any strategies or legal protections that might help me manage the workload or at least open a dialogue without it sounding like I'm waving a white flag? I'm not looking to stir up drama; I just want to find a way to keep my head above water, maybe even swim a little faster, without ending up a cautionary tale of what not to do in the quest for that elusive promotion.

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