Browse legal questions

Showing 1 to 20 of 118 results

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Asked in British Columbia, Canada |

Jun 5, 2024
Real estate
Real estate in upper Lonsdale north vancouver
Who is the best local area lawyer.
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Asked in California, United States |

Apr 13, 2024
Jack London Square steal money
There’s this spot I sometimes hang at, called Jack London Square, pretty chill p
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Asked in California, United States |

Apr 13, 2024
Drinking and driving Rosecrans Avenue
we were just hanging out, having a good time, and I might’ve had a couple of bee
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Asked in British Columbia, Canada |

Apr 11, 2024
Shoplifting Steveston Village in Richmond, BC
I kinda messed up and got busted for shoplifting some oysters at the Steveston
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Asked in California, United States |

Apr 11, 2024
Car got hit Stevens Creek Boulevard in San Jose
Last Thursday, I was cruising down Stevens Creek Boulevard in San Jose, right? J
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Asked in Texas, United States |

Apr 8, 2024
Klyde Warren Park area Dallas TX employment
My boss, who's usually camped out in our office near Klyde Warren Park, has cran
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Asked in California, United States |

Apr 8, 2024
USB in my computer LA California
I'm based in Los Angeles, California, and there's this thing at my coworking spa
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Asked in British Columbia, Canada |

Apr 8, 2024
Veterans Affairs Canada- Vancouver BC
I served, did my part, and now when I need a bit of backup, it feels like hittin
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Asked in Quebec, Canada |

Apr 3, 2024
Wills and estates
How do I know if I’m a beneficiary in someone’s Will
I suspect I may be a beneficiary in a Will
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Asked in British Columbia, Canada |

Apr 2, 2024
Can BC lawyer get off a file?
I read about and hear about lawyers getting off a file days before a hearing or
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Asked in California, United States |

Mar 31, 2024
At what point do I need a business lawyer in Los Angeles?
I just started my AI company, but things are going well. We haven't raised money
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Asked in California, United States |

Mar 27, 2024
Long Beach California Divorce
After much consideration and many attempts at reconciliation, my spouse and I ha
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Asked in British Columbia, Canada |

Mar 27, 2024
Guildford Town Centre break and enter
I am reaching out to seek legal counsel regarding a distressing situation that h
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Asked in British Columbia, Canada |

Mar 27, 2024
Human rights
stray cats in West Vancouver
I am concerned about the treatment of feral and stray cats in the Horseshoe Bay
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Asked in Ontario, Canada |

Mar 23, 2024
Human rights
What can you do
my fiancé, legal aid lawyer in Quebec had his identification bank card, license,
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Asked in British Columbia, Canada |

Mar 13, 2024
SAFE or convertible loan? Vancouver
I am building my tech company in Vancouver- and trying to get into Venture labs
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Asked in British Columbia, Canada |

Mar 13, 2024
BC immigration
what is the best way to move to BC? Any immigration lawyers in BC here? Thing ab
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Asked in British Columbia, Canada |

Mar 13, 2024
Walmart receipt van
Can Walmart staff force you to produce a receipt? Happened in Vancouver. Called
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Asked in British Columbia, Canada |

Mar 13, 2024
Real estate
Can I sue for a false declaration in the 'Property Disclosure Statement' for an apartment I purchased.
My wife and I bought a unit in an apartment highrise. At the time of purchase i
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Asked in California, United States |

Mar 12, 2024
Kept my $5000 retainer in Sacramento CA
I hired this lawyer a while back, someone I found after a bit of a Google dive,
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Showing 1 to 20 of 118 results